Monday, January 27, 2014

Future Advice

Being back home and in the States, I am feeling bittersweet about my experience in Thailand. Although I am overjoyed to be back home, a part of me longs to return to Thailand and its way of life. As I reflect back on my experience, there are certain lessons I have gained that have personally impacted me as an individual and my learning experience in Thailand. Therefore, I am going to list a few pieces of advice for future students.

First being, live in the moment.Thailand is truly a land filled with beauty, grace, and hospitality. To not live in the moment is to be missing out on Thailand's grace and beauty. Living in the moment is not only geared towards embracing Thailand's culture but also to take risks. This is because when you take risks (my risks were eating a cricket, zip lining, and so much more!) you build upon yourself as an individual. Plus, you can also go back home and tell all your risky stories to your loved ones!

Secondly, bring only essential items! I personally brought just enough items for myself to use in the span of three weeks. Thankfully, I limited myself very well to the point where I could fit all my souvenir gifts in my luggage when coming back to the states. From my observation, I definitely think some of my fellow peers over packed. Over packing can definitely be a overwhelming when you are traveling from one location to another. In addition, also make sure your suitcase is durable. Towards the end of our trip in Thailand, my luggage started to deteriorate to the the point where I had to purchase a new one. So make sure that when you pack, your items/luggage are in good condition and not overly packed.

Lastly, make personal connections with Thailand and your fellow peers within the group. My connection with Thailand revolved with the idea of "homeness." Meaning, I felt a sense of belonging staying in Thailand. I am not quite sure why or how this connection was born, but I enjoy knowing that I can call Thailand part of my home.

So remember to live in the moment, pack only what is needed, and make connections! Best wishes to you and your journey in Thailand. I hope it will be as revitalizing, energizing, and wonderful as mine!

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